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Charlotte Légaré​ Memorial Fund

In April 2013, Charlotte Légaré passed away from pancreatic cancer. The beloved daughter of Laurette and the late Gaston Légaré, and spouse of Pierre Dansereau, her loss deeply affected all who knew her.

To honor her daughter’s memory, Madame Laurette Légaré established a commemorative fund dedicated to pancreatic cancer research. This fund aims to support scientific advancements and offer hope to more families facing this devastating disease.

Charlotte, an incredible woman

Charlotte Légaré worked for McGill University’s Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies department for about twenty years. She was highly esteemed and deeply loved by her colleagues. In 1995, she was honored with the prestigious Excellence in Service Award in recognition of her outstanding contribution to postdoctoral education by all administrative and support staff members of the department. Charlotte was regarded as the heart and soul of her department.

Charlotte will not have died in vain

“The donations I have made to the Cancer Research Society honor the memory of my daughter and directly support pancreatic cancer research, the disease that took her life. I hope to spare other families the suffering my son-in-law and I have endured. I believe my contributions can inspire others to donate as well. My hope is that my example will encourage others to fund cancer research. I am delighted by the progress made in the detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer, and I am pleased to know that my donations have contributed to these advancements.”

Mrs. Laurette Légaré
Mother of Charlotte Légaré

“We must now move forward. However, it was important for us to give meaning to her death while also thinking of future generations. She would be so happy to know that we are commemorating her memory in this way and that pancreatic cancer research will continue because of her.”

Mr. Pierre Dansereau
Spouse of Charlotte Légaré