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<strong>Underinvestment</strong> in health research is killing us.

Underinvestment in health research is killing us.

Health research saves lives and diminishes suffering. It makes our health system more resilient. It helps us prepare for the future. But our ability to make a difference for Canadians is slipping away. We could and should be doing so much more.

Dear Canada,

Governments in the United States, Europe and Asia invest far more in health research because they recognize that these investments increase their ability to respond to emerging health threats, address serious diseases and foster a vibrant and healthy society.

Underinvesting in health research is driving away our talented researchers because they can’t get funding to conduct their research in Canada. Discoveries that might otherwise have happened in Canada will happen elsewhere, ultimately delaying Canadians’ access to life-saving innovations. Underinvesting in health research threatens our health security. We remain vulnerable to a never-ending cycle of health crises.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Canadians know that health research holds the promise for future cures even when it doesn’t bring immediate benefits. COVID-19 vaccines didn’t appear out of thin air. They were built on decades of painstaking health research.

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Research Canada:
Research Canada is a national, broad-based alliance for health discoveries that aims to improve the health and prosperity of all Canadians. Bringing together people from multiple sectors, it is dedicated to advancing health research and health innovation in Canada through collaborative advocacy.