La Marche du Rêve Sets a New Record
Over $20,000 Raised for Cancer Research
The Cancer Research Society and the members of the organizing committee are very proud to announce that a record-breaking $20,000 were raised during the 8th edition of the Journée de la Marche du Rêve which was held on July 24th!
An event that brings together seasonal campers, travelling campers and even people who are just visiting Camping Domaine du Rêve, the Journée de la Marche du Rêve has been a success every year since its creation and 2021 was no exception to that! More participants than ever before took part in this activity-filled day that raised a record-breaking $23,102.
This year’s objective, set at $13,500, was largely surpassed much to the organizing committee’s delight:
“It was a superb day! Each year we are just in awe of people’s generosity and enthusiasm; it’s truly moving.”
– Julie Duguay, member or the organizing committee
“Since its inception, La Marche du Rêve has allowed us to raise over $90,000! The participants and especially the volunteers can be sure that they are making a concrete contribution to financing cancer research. The Cancer Research Society is extremely grateful for their involvement and dedication”
– Catherine Paquette, spokesperson for the Cancer Research Society.
The Society and the organizing committee would like to highlight the support of their partners, such as Camping Domaine du Rêve, without whom the event could not take place. This valued partner allows the event to be held on its grounds year after year as well as actively supports the committee in its organization efforts.