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<strong>Close to $270,000 Raised</strong> for Our Environment Cancer Fund

Close to $270,000 Raised for Our Environment Cancer Fund

Jarislowsky Fraser, a very generous partner, has joined efforts with the Cancer Research Society, providing us with an extraordinary opportunity to advance a matching funds campaign of up to $65,000 to benefit our environment-cancer fund.


Jarislowsky Fraser, a very generous partner, has joined efforts with the Cancer Research Society, providing us with an extraordinary opportunity to advance a matching funds campaign of up to $65,000 to benefit our environment-cancer fund.

Recall that according to the data, the majority of diagnosed cancers could be linked to environmental factors. Unfortunately, due to a lack of financial resources, very little research has been dedicated to this highly critical sector in Canada. That explains the Cancer Research Society’s decision to establish an environment cancer research fund in order to have a greater impact on the lives of those afflicted with this illness. As a pioneer in this field of research, the Society is so proud of this initiative.

This campaign’s success has been breathtaking! Close to $270,000 has been raised thanks to Jarislowsky Fraser and our major donors!

We would like to thank all those who answered the call.

We are therefore pleased to announce that this campaign will fund several innovative research projects for our environment-cancer research fund.

We would like to once again offer our thanks to all the donors and in particular to our partner Jarislowsky Fraser for its support during this campaign.