An Additional Means to Prevent Cancer
Cancer organizations welcome the introduction of Bill 19, An Act respecting health and social services information and amending various legislative provisions.
We hope that the bill will make updating the Quebec cancer data registry possible, among other things. Recall that still today the registry represents data that date back to 2011, due to the current data collection framework. Until now, Quebec has been on its own as compared to the other provinces within the Canadian Cancer Registry and can henceforth look forward to being represented with up-to-date data so that it too can contribute to producing standardized, comparable data.
Ms. Pepin joins other organizations working in the cancer sector (Quebec Cancer Foundation, Leucan, Procure and the Canadian Cancer Society) and underscores that data sharing is essential to accelerating cancer research. “With the adoption of this bill, it is not only Quebec researchers who win, but more importantly, it is cancer patients and all of Quebec’s citizens who will benefit through the use of data that will improve cancer prevention, detection and treatment,” specified the Cancer Research Society’s spokesperson.