A contribution of 1.5 million dollars to the Oncopole
The Cancer Research Society contributes 1.5 million dollars to the Oncopole to help finance exceptional research projects with the potential to make a difference in the prevention, diagnostic, and treatment of this disease
FEBRUARY 6, 2018
The Cancer Research Society is proud to announce a contribution of 1.5 million dollars to Oncopole for its EMC2 competition whose goal is to finance cooperative research projects in order to capitalize on the expertise and strengths to be found in the province of Quebec in the field of oncology. The competition’s goal is to encourage collaboration between researchers in various fields, from different Quebec institutions, in order to have a greater impact on the disease.
“Research is our best weapon to outsmart a disease as complex as cancer. And when the best researchers work in collaboration, the potential is incredible,” explains Max Fehlmann, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Cancer Research Society. “It was therefore only natural for us to support such a mobilizing competition established by Oncopole which will help maximize our donors’ investments by accelerating the development of new tools to prevent, diagnose and conquer all types of cancer.”
It was last November that Oncopole, a new initiative supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) and Merck Canada Inc., launched the EMC2 competition within the scientific community in Quebec. More than fifty teams were invited to submit complete applications. “We were delighted by the amount of interest generated by our first call for proposals, which confirmed the enthusiasm for oncology research in Quebec and the desire to have a more significant impact on the disease to the benefit of patients,” indicated Stéphanie Lord-Fontaine, Executive Director at Oncopole. “We are very happy to be able to count upon support from the Cancer Research Society, our first philanthropic partner. This announcement substantiates the catalyzing role of Oncopole and its vision to make Quebec a centre for excellence and investment in cancer research.”
With the participation of the Cancer Research Society, the program’s budget amounts to 7.5 million dollars over the course of three years. “The amounts invested are considerable and we anticipate important benefits in the form of major discoveries and scientific advances. We wholeheartedly hope that this partnership model will inspire others across the country,” concludes Max Fehlmann.
About Oncopole
The Oncopole is a Quebec hub for research, development and investment to accelerate the fight against cancer. Created in February of 2017, it is the product of a unique co-creation process led by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) and made possible by an initial $15M investment from Merck Canada. The Oncopole’s mission is to act as a catalyst leveraging actions made by the key players in Quebec’s oncology and innovation research ecosystem. As a result, it aims to position the province as a leader in the field. Its priorities of action, namely research, entrepreneurship, commercialization and integration of innovation, as well as clinical relevance, are orchestrated in order to foster the mobilization of stakeholders, the discovery of innovative approaches to fight cancer and, ultimately, a positive impact for the benefit of patients. For more information, go to: oncopole.ca